Article Process

At Crystal Scientific Publishers, we follow a rigorous and transparent process to ensure all manuscripts meet the highest standards of quality, originality, and relevance.

Manuscript Submission

  • Authors submit their manuscripts to the journal for initial consideration.

Initial Assessment by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC)

  • The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) evaluates the manuscript to determine its suitability based on the journal’s scope, relevance, and quality standards.
  • If the manuscript does not meet the basic criteria, the EIC may:
    • Reject it outright, or
    • Suggest transferring it to a more suitable journal within the Crystal Scientific Publishers platform to ensure it aligns better with the journal’s objectives.
  • Manuscripts that pass this stage proceed to the plagiarism check.

Plagiarism Check

  • Each manuscript undergoes a rigorous two-step plagiarism check, combining advanced software tools and manual evaluation.
  • Only manuscripts that pass this stage advance to the peer review process.

Manuscript Sent to Reviewers

  • Manuscripts that meet the EIC’s and plagiarism requirements are assigned to qualified reviewers for detailed evaluation.
  • The peer review process follows a double-blind peer review format to ensure impartial feedback.


Reviewer Feedback and Comments

  • Reviewers critically assess the manuscript’s originality, technical accuracy, relevance, and overall contribution to the field.
  • Their detailed feedback, along with recommendations for improvement, is sent to the EIC.


Revision by the Author

  • Authors revise their manuscripts based on the reviewers’ comments and resubmit them for further evaluation.

Re-evaluation and Final Decision by the EIC

  • The revised manuscript is re-evaluated by reviewers or directly by the EIC to ensure all feedback has been addressed.
  • The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) makes the final decision:
    • Rejected/Transferred: If the manuscript still fails to meet the required standards or aligns better with another journal within Crystal Scientific Publishers.
    • Accepted: If the manuscript satisfies all quality and scientific requirements.


  • Once accepted, the manuscript moves to the final production stage, including formatting and design.
  • The article is then published and made available to a global audience.