
Author Guidelines
Welcome to Crystal Scientific Publishers! We are committed to publishing high-quality scholarly works across diverse academic disciplines. Please review the following guidelines to ensure a smooth submission and publication process.

General Guidelines
1. Manuscripts must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.
2. Submissions must follow the specific formatting and structure requirements detailed below.
3. Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of their content, including citations, tables, and data.
4. Articles should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.
5. Include a cover letter detailing the significance of your work and how it contributes to the academic field.

Manuscript Preparation
Authors must ensure their manuscript is well-organized and follows the structure outlined below:

• File Type: Submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
• Font and Size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font for the main text.
• Line Spacing: Double-spaced.
• Margins: 1-inch (2.54 cm) on all sides.

Manuscripts must be arranged in the following order:
• Title Page
• Title of the manuscript.
• Full names of all authors, along with their affiliations.
• The corresponding author’s name, email address, and phone number.
• A running title (maximum 50 characters).

• Provide a concise summary of the study (150–250 words).
• Highlight the research objective, methodology, key findings, and significance.
• Include 4–6 relevant keywords.

• Clearly state the background, objectives, and significance of the study.

Headings, Subheadings, and Super Subheadings
• After the Introduction, structure the manuscript using clear and appropriately labeled headings, subheadings, and super subheadings.

Use a logical numbering system to organize sections:
• Submit manuscripts via the Crystal Scientific Publishers online submission portal.

Include the following documents:
• Manuscript file (Word format)
• Cover letter detailing the significance of your work
• Ethical approval statement (if applicable)

Peer Review Process
All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process, where the identities of authors and reviewers are concealed to ensure unbiased evaluation.
Reviewers critically assess the manuscript’s originality, relevance, technical accuracy, and scientific merit.
Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts based on reviewer feedback.

Fee Structure
Crystal Scientific Publishers charges a nominal fee to cover the costs of manuscript processing, peer review management, and publication.
The exact fee varies by journal and will be communicated to authors upon submission.
Discounts or waivers may be available for authors from low-income regions or for exceptional cases.

Ethical Standards
Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines, including obtaining necessary permissions and approvals for human or animal studies.
Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed at the time of submission.
Manuscripts must pass a rigorous two-step plagiarism check using advanced software and manual evaluation.

Funding Statement
Authors must include a Funding Statement in their manuscript, specifying any financial support received for conducting the research or preparing the manuscript.
If no funding was received, please include the statement:

After peer review and revisions, accepted manuscripts proceed to the final production stage, including formatting and design.
The final article will be published online and made freely accessible to a global audience.

Contact Information
For any queries or further assistance regarding the submission process, manuscript preparation, or publication, please contact us at:

By adhering to these guidelines, authors can ensure a seamless submission and publication experience with Crystal Scientific Publishers. Thank you for contributing to our vibrant academic community!

Reviewer Guidelines

Guidelines for Reviewers
The peer review process is central to maintaining the quality and credibility of publications at Crystal Scientific Publishers. Reviewers play a critical role in assessing the scientific validity, originality, and impact of submitted manuscripts.

Peer Review Process
1. Double-Blind Review: Reviewers will not know the identities of the authors, and vice versa.
2. Reviewers should assess:
•  Scientific soundness
•  Methodological rigor
•  Clarity and coherence
•  Ethical adherence
•  Contribution to the field

Reviewer Responsibilities
• Provide objective, constructive, and unbiased feedback.
• Evaluate the manuscript’s scientific merit without regard to personal beliefs or professional biases.
• Complete the review within 1-3 weeks of accepting the invitation.
• Maintain strict confidentiality regarding manuscript content.
• Declare any conflicts of interest that might impair judgment.

Ethical Considerations
Reviewers should ensure that the manuscript does not violate publication ethics, including plagiarism, duplicate publication, or data manipulation.

Editor Guidelines

Guidelines for Editors
The editorial team at Crystal Scientific Publishers ensures that each manuscript undergoes a fair, unbiased, and timely review process. Editors are expected to uphold editorial independence and foster transparent communication between all parties.

Editorial Responsibilities
•  Initial Screening: Assess whether the manuscript fits the journal’s scope, is free from plagiarism, and meets basic submission requirements.
•  Assign Reviewers: Select reviewers with expertise in the subject area and ensure diversity in selection.
•  Decision Making: Make unbiased publication decisions based on reviewer feedback and the manuscript’s scientific quality.
•  Communication: Maintain clear and professional communication with authors, reviewers, and editorial board members.

Conflict of Interest
Editors must avoid handling manuscripts where there is a conflict of interest due to personal, professional, or financial relationships with the authors.

Ethical Oversight
Editors must ensure adherence to ethical guidelines, including handling complaints, appeals, and allegations of misconduct in alignment with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) standards.

Chief Editor Guidelines

Guidelines for Editor-in-Chief
The Editor-in-Chief serves as the final authority in all editorial decisions at Crystal Scientific Publishers. This role is pivotal in shaping journal policies, maintaining scientific rigor, and safeguarding ethical publishing standards.

Responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief
•  Define and update the journal’s aims and scope.
•  Oversee the editorial process to ensure fairness, transparency, and efficiency.
•  Ensure that ethical guidelines and publication standards are consistently followed.
•  Mediate conflicts between authors, reviewers, and editors when necessary.
•  Initiate investigations into allegations of research misconduct, including plagiarism, data fabrication, and unethical research practices.

Policy Development
The Editor-in-Chief should continuously review and enhance editorial policies to reflect evolving international publishing standards and community expectations.

Ethical Guidelines

Publication Ethics and Integrity

At Crystal Scientific Publishers, ethical publishing is a cornerstone of our open-access model. We adhere to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) principles and expect all stakeholders — authors, reviewers, and editors — to uphold these standards.

Authorship and Contribution
All listed authors must have made significant intellectual contributions to the research and agree to the manuscript’s submission. Guest, honorary, and ghost authorship is strictly prohibited.

Plagiarism and Originality
CSP employs plagiarism detection tools to screen all submissions. Plagiarism, in any form, will lead to immediate rejection or retraction if identified post-publication.

Conflicts of Interest
All parties must disclose any financial, institutional, or personal conflicts of interest that may influence the research, review, or publication process.

Research Involving Humans or Animals
• Authors must obtain ethics committee approval for all research involving human participants or animals.
• Informed consent must be documented and available upon request.

Retraction and Correction Policy
CSP follows COPE Retraction Guidelines for correcting or retracting published content if errors, misconduct, or ethical violations are identified.

Open Access and Copyright Policies

Open Access and Copyright Policies

All publications under Crystal Scientific Publishers are published under the Gold Open Access model, ensuring free and immediate access to research worldwide.

All articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing free reuse and adaptation with appropriate credit to the original authors.

Author Rights
Authors retain full copyright over their published work and can:
1. Share the work on personal websites or institutional repositories.
2. Use content for future research and presentations.

Archiving and Preservation
All articles published by Crystal Scientific Publishers are permanently archived on the official publisher’s website. Authors, readers, and institutions can access published content directly through the website, ensuring long-term availability.

We are committed to maintaining the permanent accessibility of all published articles, with regular website backups to safeguard content.